After having New Years Eve in St Arnaud (kicking place!); we were probably the only two people to surface from beneath the covers before midday on New Years Day but it was lovely weather so off we went. A 3 hour walk around the Lake Head then up to the John Tait Hut.
Johno decided that some off roading on the river flats was required rather than walking on the perfectly good track that was available; after some success and then subsequent bush bashing this quickly became a bad idea and we had to find the track again to meet the swingbridge to cross the Travers River (see they do build tracks for a reason!).
2nd Jan (Happy 3 months tramping to us!). Woke up to pretty heavy rain and lowish cloud but we went off to the next hut (great thing there being so many huts on this circuit) and thought we'd see from there how the weather was fairing before making a decision as to going over the Travers Saddle. We went over (still raining but visibility ok'ish); it was like being in Fiordland, waterfalls everywhere, rivers cranking, path flooded. We got to Sabine Hut with no trouble though and were moving pretty quickly (never stayed in a hut so full), a party of 7 and another of 4 people had decided that the rain was too much and not moved all day so the hut was in full motion (luckily only a few snorers and not too bad, way too wet to camp when there was an alternative option though).
Off to Blue Lake Hut, the side streams were all really high and flowing fast into the main rivers, we had to be really careful and suprise it was raining again. A guy who arrived at the hut later that day had said he had crossed a side stream that we had previously crossed at knee height, way up to his waist (not a good idea)!.
Blue sky this morning for our start up to Lake Constance then over Waiau Pass.Paul, Jim and Nick who had also been staying at Blue Lake Hut joined us for this section. We had to scramble way up high around the lake as there had been so much rain the track was half under water actually in the lake.
By the time we got to the bottom of Waiau Pass to head over the bad weather was on its way in again, a steep climb up high to the pass, visibility not too bad but it had now started to snow. There were sections of snow still on the pass that we had to manoeuvre and scramble around as was too slippery and didnt fancy sliding back down 1900m. Johno had to help me in various places as was a bit scared climbing down when I couldn't quite reach my feet to a rock.
We all got down safely the other side and pushed our way through the overgrown bush (DOC cutting the track again this year apparantly, probably waiting for a sunny day - could be waiting a while?). Met Maureen (Johno's boss) just over the other side of the Waiau Pass which was funny - they had been stuck in the Caroline Bivvy for 3 days waiting for the river to go down!. We got about 3 hours down and got stuck by the river too, it had come up to high and was impassable again so we had to put up camp, amazing what a small uneven, rocky space you can fit 3 tents in when you need to.
The river levels dropped heaps overnight though so we all crossed the river and plodded on down the valley to Caroline Biv ourselves, where we had lunch in sun (yes that was SUN!) then camped further down the valley for the night. Paul and Jim (still with us) did some fishing but didnt catch anything which was a shame. Down the valley still further before hitting another big river, a text book river crossing for MSC (Mountain Safety Council) if we do say so ourselves then onto the St James Walkway. An easy walk over Anne Saddle (1136m) to Boyle Flats Hut with no rain but just as we were leaving the hut to continue on to Boyle Village and out it started again.
We were within 2 km of getting out and had crossed a little sidestream that was quite fierce but as was only just a little wider than a step we got across but then got hit by the next one, a raging torent. Now we were stuck between two impassable side streams. We were a bit cold by then and it was starting to get late so we decided to put up the tent for the night and wait for it to go down (if it stopped raining) rather than just wait a few hours for it to go down. The following morning it was ankle deep again but still raining and really cold; we realised why when we got out to the road and realised it had been snowing, all the mountains were lightly dusted. An interesting section for us; we are now in Hanmer Springs getting more food and having a day off in the hot pools - NICE!. Our friends Josh and Jodi came up to see us with little Jarrah, we had a slumber party with all of us in one room, was very funny! - great to see you guys.
Animals seen - 1 thar (Lake Constance), 2 red deer (river flats near Anne Hut)
Weather - 2 days of sun, 6 days of rain
Number of time stuck for high rivers - 2
Having fun - ?... (Yes)
Number of foot problems - 1 (Johno again)
Number of stomach bugs - 1 (Cos)